It’s possible technology hates me

Well, either that or the baby inside me consists mainly of highly magnetic materials that screw with electronic devices.

My netbook’s cursor has gone berserk. Or is possessed. The result is the same: it keeps scrolling around the screen, randomly clicking documents open or closed.

My Yahoo! mail refuses to work (though I hope that’s a Yahoo! issue, not a Sotia one).

My Android keeps freezing and rebooting.

And finally, my iPad keeps eating my posts! (this is the third time I type this, because I–of course–didn’t think of copy/paste until now)

Since I doubt someone can find a solution for all my technology-related problems, can you send some positive vibes this way?

Thank you,

4 thoughts on “It’s possible technology hates me”

  1. Nope, it expired like a year ago. Brought it to the IT dept at work, though, and they disconnected the touchpad, so all's well with it now. πŸ™‚

  2. You're SO right! I know HD is the death of technology, but I hadn't thought that the baby could be a mini wizard. THAT'S SO COOL!!!

    Another friend suggested I'm pregnant with Magneto. Either theory is cool and scary at the same time. LOL!

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