This Friday, I’m flying to London. No husband. No kid. No dogs. Just six days of girly fun, theater, running around, and lots of eating.

From Tumblr
I’ll have a chance to unload, recharge my batteries, and take a breath from all the stress 2014 had to offer. I haven’t had a proper vacation in a couple years, and me-time even longer than that, and much as I adore my boys, I can’t wait for this time off. The girls and I have made plans that include shopping, and I’ll have the pleasure of meeting the amazingly talented and incredibly lovely Diane Saxon.
And here is where the fears kick in. I’ve been under pressure for so long, part of me is waiting for the other shoe to drop. I’m terrified of the flight to and from the UK, and freaking at the thought of what the price of a few days of freedom could be for me and my loved ones.
In a fit of panic, I even recorded a message to ToddlerO, if the worst happens (MyLove is still pissed off about that.)
Luckily, my next-door neighbor is good with Bach flower remedies, and will prepare something to calm me down before the flight, but still…
Anyway, had to get it all off my chest. Please keep your fingers crossed that I get there and back safely—and that the girls and I have a fucking great time in the meantime.
Thank you!
Have a LOT of fun and come home refreshed and ready to get stuck in to 2015 with your boys!! *mwah*
Sorry it took forever to reply, hon, and THANK YOU *mwah*
You will be fine, the trip will be tons of fun, and your boys will appreciate you all the more for being gone. 🙂
I didn’t get a notification for comments on this entry, damn it. Thanks, hon! It was lots of fun 🙂