Back to the Land of Internet-Havers

I had a lovely, family-filled mini vacay for the Greek Orthodox Easter, and now I’m back, batteries mostly filled.

My laptop is completely dead–not My Love’s doing; hardware stuff–and my sister is engaged, and I’m having all sorts of thing happening, so it’ll take a couple days (aka a week in Sotia time) for me to catch up with my e-mail.

Hope you’re all well!


6 thoughts on “Back to the Land of Internet-Havers”

  1. Awwwww yes!!!! Yay for Sis!!
    *crossing fingers for a new laptop for you from the gods*
    Am so glad you had some vacation time!!

  2. Thank you! She's ecstatic about it, and so are we all, 'cause he seems to adore her.

    Thing with the laptop is that it decided to die as we put in a downpayment for a used car, so we won't be able to afford a new computer or fixing the old one. Here's hoping my sales pick up, or we're screwed. :-/

  3. Yup, yup, my baby sis will get married next summer. *bounces*

    Thanks, hon. Only the Gods can get me one; whatever disposable income we had is now tied up in installments for a used car that'll fit us all inside. Sigh.

    Need. More. Vacation. Time.

    Love you and will be replying to your e-mail asap!

  4. Every time I write down a time-frame for anything it gets moved by special circumstances. I'm afraid my “week” will be even longer than that, but I can't risk typing an exact number of days I expect it to take 😛

    How's the book going? Are you over the moon???

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